All tagged poetry

10 Questions with Kate Rogers

Kate Rogers is a Toronto-based poet, essayist, and reviewer, as well as co-director of Art Bar, Toronto’s oldest poetry reading series. Her new poetry collection, The Meaning of Leaving (AOS Publishing), takes as its subject the broad theme of leaving, examining its many facets and angles in precise, often painful detail.

10 Questions with John Portelli

Originally from Malta, John P. Portelli is a writer of poetry and fiction, as well as a professor emeritus in the Department of Social Justice Education at the University of Toronto. His remarkable poetry collection, Here Was, navigates the tensions and contradictions between closeness and distance, past and present, what unites us and what separates us from each other.


Brave, though provoking, often unsettling, Hollay’s work takes you deep inside singular moments and experiences, sometimes pushing at the edges of your expectations, and other times exploding them all together. Her debut poetry collection, Rebellion Box, is available now from Radiant Press.